Team WR/O’Brien!


Woods Racing has gone pink!!!
Why yes we have…cause hey, the cars are fast enough around here that we can show any colour we want…and besides, there’s a lot of testosterone around here, and usually male based, and us males..well, we love women, and boobs, and legs, and everything they do for us. So what am I talkin’ about?
Well, the Weekend to End Women’s Cancer of course!

August 27th and 28th, Erin is walking with her team and they’ll be walking kilometer after kilometer helping to raise money for Cancer research, tools, programs, equipment..etc. And not only her team, thousands of women across the country. Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver are all holding this walk. It’s quite the program they’ve set up, and Woods Racing is here to help.

We’ve put together a bit of a fundraiser for her team to help her reach her goal. She has to raise money for the cause in order to do the walk. We’re helping her get there dollah by dollah.

We are offering a few products that hopefully you might like and would want to buy in exchance for a donation to her team.
We asked around and got some help from a few friends:

Jon brought me out 2 cases of Monster Energy drink to sell: 75 bucks and they are yours!

Our brother company, and Woods Racing is offering an Amsoil oil and filter change: 75 bucks and you’re in!
And a big kicker..

My good buddy Louis over at Technika Industries is offering a Dynotest to see how well your ride actually does. This includes a few pulls on the Dynapack dyno, HP reading, Torque and Air/fuel ratio reading. Now, we all now that fast cars attract the hot women, so let’s see if your car is up to the challenge…150 bucks, and we’ll strap your car on and get some results!

We thank everyone up here who has offered their time and product for us, it goes a long way and we appreciate the support!
To date, Erin has raised 1300 bucks towards her goal of 2K. So I ask, can we help get her there?
Of course we can…just shoot me an email at if you want any of the above, or hey, if you just want to make a donation, click right here ladies and gents!
Erin’s EndCancer Team!
That will link you directly to her page and off you go! Helpin’ to save the things we love about women!
For more information, or if you’re in one of the participating cities, check out for some details…and remember, it’s a tax right off…so let Harper pay it! Wahoo!


So look for the Pink Woods Racing Logo on Erin’s shirt and give her a high 5ive as she walks by..cause she’s doing a lot more than we are…great job Erin…you’re an Angel.

Stay fast everyone, and thank you for helping’s the little thing that make the big things happen.




Updates here!


So as you saw in the previous post, us here at Woods Racing / Canada Synthetics have gotten on board Erin’s team in her walk to end women’s cancer.
In this post I’ll be giving you updates on who from our side of the quarter mile is going head to head with the battle.
First off, a huge thanks to Maxime Dulude and Vincent Chénier for stepping up to the plate and knocking out a cool 80 bucks between them in exchange for the 2 cases of Monster Energy Drink.

Over at the VIA Rail yards here in Montreal they gladly forked over their hard earned dollah’s in the support of the ladies.

They are the first ones to take something off our auction block and Erin and I send out a huge thanks!
After I thanked Vince, this is what he had to say:
No need to say that women fighting cancer are tremendously strong, For sure on this particular picture and shift we were exhausted, but i could step up every days to offer my time to support to the women in this battle ! Because behind every great man in life ,there is a great woman. !! never give up, we’ll always be there for you !!
Well said Vince!
Enjoy it boys! Those night shifts sure get long!
To see the original post, what else is available or how to donate, have a click here to the original post!
Woods Racing…GONE PINK!


And a new offer!
Mats Baribeau has decided to part with one the wheels off the Drift-zilla in order to support team WoodsRacing/O’Brien!
And of course, this just ain’t any wheel…this is the very wheel that caused us many hours…oh yes…it’s the very wheel that went side first into the wall at ICAR…
You can see that entire ker-fuffle right here:
The Incredible, Inevitable…wall.
If we could get $150 for this MP Battle (AND BATTLED IT IS!) we would gladly throw that in the pot for Erin’s weekend to End Women’s Cancer.

And with that will come a nice picture display signed by Mats and myself…what a cool trophy to stick on your garage wall eh!!!
So shoot me an email…gimmie a call, come on over!
Thanks everyone! And thanks Mats for parting with this more than memorial mag!