So as you saw in the previous post, us here at Woods Racing / Canada Synthetics have gotten on board Erin’s team in her walk to end women’s cancer.
In this post I’ll be giving you updates on who from our side of the quarter mile is going head to head with the battle.
First off, a huge thanks to Maxime Dulude and Vincent Chénier for stepping up to the plate and knocking out a cool 80 bucks between them in exchange for the 2 cases of Monster Energy Drink.
Over at the VIA Rail yards here in Montreal they gladly forked over their hard earned dollah’s in the support of the ladies.
They are the first ones to take something off our auction block and Erin and I send out a huge thanks!
After I thanked Vince, this is what he had to say:
No need to say that women fighting cancer are tremendously strong, For sure on this particular picture and shift we were exhausted, but i could step up every days to offer my time to support to the women in this battle ! Because behind every great man in life ,there is a great woman. !! never give up, we’ll always be there for you !!
Well said Vince!
Enjoy it boys! Those night shifts sure get long!
To see the original post, what else is available or how to donate, have a click here to the original post!
Woods Racing…GONE PINK!
Aug 22nd by Bannon